Land Use Applications
How to use this section
Every land use in our area that is not automatically approved because it falls within the recognized uses of a zone is noticed to adjacent land owners and to The Hamlet of Beavercreek. For example, building a new home on bare land in a residential zone is automatically approved while replacing an existing home would not be.
When the Hamlet receives a notice we post the application here. All applications are given a number which is the key to tracking it. The number is in the form Znnn-yy where nnn is a serial number assigned by the Planning Staff and yy is the year of application. Frequently the number has a suffix that relates to the kind of application, such as -HO for a Home Occupation permit. We add a brief description after the number for easier reference. Many permits expire after a period of time and must be renewed, which the Hamlet tracks.
We copy the first page of an application, showing the number, the use, and the applicant, and the location and provide a link to the full application.