The Board
The Hamlet of Beavercreek Board
The interests of the Hamlet are represented by an elected board of directors. The board is the representative voice of its citizens and serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), Planning Staff, and others on issues of concern to the Hamlet. All board members must satisfactorily complete training required by the BCC and provided by county staff. Such training may include, but is not be limited to, board rules, procedure and governance, public meetings and public records, elections, and governmental ethics. No board member may participate in board deliberations or voting until completing this required training.
The Board of The Hamlet of Beavercreek consists of no less than seven and no more than eleven members including the four officers of Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary, and Directors at Large. After elections the Directors decide who will fill officer positions. Positions may be shared. The current Board is Chair Tammy Stevens, Vice-Chair Bill Merchant, Treasurer Cheryl Buchert, Secretary Gina McMurry, and Directors-at-Large Mark Hillyard, Joe Matteo, and Kenny Sernach. Directors serve staggered terms of two years and may be re-elected. Elections are at the October Town Hall community meeting. Application for a Board position must be received by the September community meeting.
For more information contact any Board Member or review The Hamlet of Beavercreek Bylaws.
To submit an application to serve on the Board click HERE.
The Hamlet oversees several committees that support a range of local needs/topics. Not all committees are active at all times. See upcoming meetings on the Events page.
Committee meetings are open to all but meeting times and locations are not fixed. The Board Chair is an ex officio member of every committee and Hamlet Members can be on or chair any committee. If you see a committee you would like to be a member of or to chair, contact any board member.
If you think there should be another committee that you don't see here, also contact a board member. The Hamlet of Beavercreek is YOUR organization.
Standing Committees
Agenda Committee
The Agenda Committee meets on the Thursday before the Community or Town Hall meeting, immediately after the monthly Board meeting to finalize the agenda for the following Community or Town Hall meeting. Chair: Tammy Stevens
Boundary and Zoning Committee
This committee meets as needed. Chair: Bill Merchant.
Bylaws & Rules Committee
The Bylaws & Rules committee proposes amendments to the Bylaws and develops Rules for implementing them. Chair: Tammy Stevens
Holiday Tree Lighting Committee
The Holiday Tree Lighting committee plans for the annual lighting of the large spruce in the Korner Park. Chair: Mark Hillyard
Korner Park Facilities Committee
The Korner Park Committee is in charge of the small park owned by Clackamas County northwest of the intersection of Beavercreek and Leland Roads. Chair: Mark Hillyard
Nominating Committee
This committee starts working in July in preparation for October elections. Chair: Bill Merchant
Public Relations Committee
The Public Relations committee works to promote the Hamlet and in fundraising. Chair: Rachel Ringle
Transportation Committee
The Transportation Committee is concerned with roads, speed limits, intersections, traffic safety, pedestrian and equestrian walkways. Chair: Bill Merchant