Land Use Hearings
How to use this section
The Hearings Officer is an independent attorney hired by Clackamas County to review certain land use issues. Some applications require a public review by the Hearings Officer. Any application that has been approved by County planning staff but is subsequently appealed by an individual or CPO is reviewed at a public hearing in front of the Hearings Officer. The Hearings Officer’s decision on an application can be, but is rarely, appealed to the Board of County Commissioners (the BCC) who are ultimately responsible for land use in the County. Decisions by the Hearings Officer or BCC can be appealed to the Oregon State Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA.) Decisions by LUBA can be appealed to the District Court whose decision is final.
All County level hearings are open to the public and comment is generally accepted but may be restricted. LUBA hearings are open but arguments are only accepted from the active parties, the public cannot comment.
On this page you will find hearings which affect The Hamlet of Beavercreek.